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Current Appeal

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This is Matthew. His journey with Cabrini Hospital began long before he was even aware of it, with his birth many years ago. Little did he know that Cabrini would become such a big part of his life.

In 2007, Matthew's connection with Cabrini took on a new meaning when he was diagnosed with a rare brain tumour. Over the years, he underwent various treatments, including surgeries and chemotherapy, all under the care of Dr. Myron Rogers.

In 2023, the tumour resurfaced, necessitating a second surgery. This time, the risks are heightened, with the brain tumour close to my language centre.

"The new robotic microscope they need is vital for surgeries like mine – a life-extending surgery."

Matthew, Cabrini Neurosurgery patient

The Zeiss Kenivo 900

Embracing precision technology, to deliver precision health care.

This microscope combines advanced visualisation capabilities with extensive functionality so we can perform neurological  surgeries with greater precision, in a safer manner and with a  great deal more confidence.

It will support a range of surgical specialties at Cabrini, including neurosurgeries and spine surgeries. Additionally, it will provide greater accuracy and precision for brain tumour removal surgery. The Zeiss Kenivo 900 robotic microscope ensures greater precision and accuracy, real-time imaging, minimally invasive surgery and improved patient comfort.

Help us purchase a Zeiss Kenivo 900 robotic microscope. Together, we can provide the most advanced care for our patients.

Learn more about our Current Appeal

For further information contact the Foundation Office by calling 03 9508 1380