Gifts in Wills

You can change the future with a gift in your Will to Cabrini.

A planned gift – also known as a bequest – simply means including Cabrini as a beneficiary in your Will. It is a very special way many people touched by Cabrini’s exceptional care choose to say thank you or pay tribute to their loved ones.

It is very humbling when you choose to support Cabrini through a gift in your Will for the benefit of future generations.

Your legacy today will ensure Cabrini’s compassion and care, research, refurbishment, new facilities and equipment will continue to deliver life-changing services for the people who need it tomorrow and beyond.

Cabrini is deeply grateful for your contribution and promises to ensure your gift is used for the purposes you intended.

If we don’t already know, please tell us about your planned gift to Cabrini. It allows us to thank you properly and ensure your wishes are respected. You will also become part of our Cabrini family and become part of the Cabrini Society. As a Cabrini Society member, you will receive exclusive updates and invitations to events. You will also have the option to have your name listed on honour boards as a Cabrini Society member to acknowledge and thank you for your support. However, we respect your privacy if you would prefer to remain anonymous.

Leaving a gift in your Will to Cabrini will change lives. After providing for your loved ones, we sincerely thank you for considering this precious gift.

Learn more

To find out more about how you can leave a gift in your Will to Cabrini, please contact Bronwyn Sugden on 03 9508 1376 or fill out the form above.

How to include a gift in your will

A planned gift – also known as a bequest – simply means including Cabrini as a beneficiary in your Will. It is a very special way many people touched by Cabrini’s exceptional care choose to say thank you or pay tribute to their loved ones. After providing for your loved ones we ask you to consider Cabrini.

Step 1: My Will

An up-to-date legal Will enables you to provide for the people and causes you hold most dear. Even if you already have a Will, you can still leave a gift by adding a codicil to your existing Will. Ideally, seek independent legal advice to ensure your Will is subject to the laws of Victoria.

Step 2: What will I leave?

We value every gift as a privilege – no matter what the amount or type of gift.  It could include:

  • The whole or part of the residue of your estate once all other legacies and expenses have been deducted.
  • A portion of your estate.
  • A sum of money
  • Property
  • Stocks and shares
  • Superannuation and life insurance policies

Step 3: My Legacy

Whether you would like to save lives with the latest high-tech medical equipment, impact future ground-breaking research, establish a scholarship fund in your name or invest in new building works – it would be our pleasure to discuss your preferences with you.

Your gift could be directed to a specific purpose or remain unrestricted.

Areas you could direct your gift to include:

  • The hospital’s most urgent needs first
  • Treatment and care of patients
  • World class facilities
  • Cutting-edge research
  • State-of-the-art equipment
  • Scholarships

An unrestricted or “general purpose” gift will have the most impact as it allows Cabrini to direct your gift where it is most urgently needed at the time.

Step 4: Wording

Cabrini Foundation overseas and guides all fundraising activities on behalf of Cabrini.

It is important you clearly identify the Cabrini Foundation in the wording so we may ensure your wishes are honoured.

“I leave to the Cabrini Foundation at Cabrini Health, ABN 33 370 684 005, the whole of my estate [or… the residue of my estate / or % of my estate / or the sum of $…. / or description of property] free from all duties and deductions, to be applied for its general purposes in such a manner as Cabrini Health may determine [or name a specific purpose or area].The receipt in writing of an authorised officer of the Cabrini Foundation shall be a sufficient discharge to my executor and/or trustee.”

Cabrini Foundation is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) by the Australian Taxation Office.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why leave a gift in my Will to Cabrini?
    • Cabrini is a non-for profit organisation and receives limited funding from the government or Church. From purchasing life-saving medical equipment to expanding and redeveloping hospital wards, past gifts have enabled Cabrini to save lives and revolutionise the standards of medical care being delivered in our community. Your legacy will advance the future of care and medical excellence for generations to come.
  • Who can leave a bequest?
    • You do not have to be wealthy to leave a gift in your Will to Cabrini and make a significant difference. We value every gift as a privilege – whatever the amount or type.
  • Do I need a new Will?
    • No. You can simply add a clause (a codicil) to your existing Will.
  • What type of gift can I leave to Cabrini in my Will?
    • Bequests can be made in a variety of ways to suit your personal preferences. You can leave the whole or part of the residue of your estate, percentage of your estate, a specific sum of money, property, stocks and shares or superannuation and life insurance policies.
  • Can I direct my gift to a specific area?
    • Your gift could be directed to a specific purpose or remain unrestricted. Areas you could direct your gift to include:
      • The hospital’s most urgent needs first
      • Treatment and care of patients
      • A particular facility or specific service
      • Research
      • Education
    • An unrestricted or “general purpose” gift will have the most impact as it allows Cabrini to direct your gift where it is most needed at the time.
  • What is the suggested wording for my Will?
    • The Cabrini Foundation overseas and guides all fundraising activities, donations and bequests on behalf of Cabrini Health. It is important you clearly identify the Cabrini Foundation in the wording so we may ensure your wishes are honoured.
    • “I leave to the Cabrini Foundation at Cabrini Health, ABN 33 370 684 005, the whole of my estate [or… the residue of my estate / or % of my estate / or the sum of $…. / or description of property] free from all duties and deductions, to be applied for its general purposes in such a manner as Cabrini Health may determine [or name a specific purpose or area such as research, oncology, cardiac services, educational scholarships].
    • The receipt in writing of an authorised officer of the Cabrini Foundation shall be a sufficient discharge to my executor and/or trustee.”
  • Where can I get advice?

For more information

Download further information on leaving a Gift in your Will

Download suggested will wording

It is important you clearly identify Cabrini Foundation in the wording of your Will so we can ensure your wishes are honoured.

Information For Solicitors, Executors & Trustees

Here, you will find information for including Cabrini in your client’s Will, suggested wording, estate administration and a quick information section with our key details.

Information for including Cabrini in your client’s Will

  1. If you’re helping someone to include a gift to Cabrini in their Will, it is important that the Cabrini Foundation is clearly identified in the wording of your Will. The Cabrini Foundation oversees and guides all fundraising activities, processes all donations and bequests on behalf of Cabrini Health Ltd.
  2. If a client would like to direct their gift to a specific purpose or area at Cabrini, please suggest your client contact us first. To ensure best use of the gift it is hoped that the donor will have discussed their intentions with the Planned Giving Manager (or other Cabrini official) before writing the specific intentions into the Will. This is to ensure their wishes can be honoured.
  3. Cabrini is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) by the Australian Taxation Office.
  4. Let us know. We would like to thank your client in their lifetime, and invite them to join us for regular events, updates and tours. It is our way of saying thank you and showing our valued donors how their legacy will make a difference in the future.

Suggested wording for Wills

I leave to the Cabrini Foundation at Cabrini Health Ltd, ABN 33 370 684 005, the whole of my estate [or… the residue of my estate / or % of my estate / or the sum of $…. / or description of property] free from all duties and deductions, to be applied for its general purposes in such a manner as Cabrini Health may determine [or name a specific purpose or area such as research, oncology, cardiac services, educational scholarships].

The receipt in writing of an authorised officer of the Cabrini Foundation shall be a sufficient discharge to my executor and/or trustee.”

Estate Administration

Cabrini values every gift we receive. If Cabrini has been named a beneficiary in an estate we would appreciate the following assistance:

1. Notify us. Please contact our Planned Giving Manager at your earliest convenience to notify what gift has been bequeathed to Cabrini. The Cabrini Foundation may request that certain assets, such as investment properties or shares, be dealt with in a particular manner to reduce tax liabilities. It also allows us to plan for the future gift and maximise the impact of their donation.

2. Tell us about your client and their next-of-kin. We would like to thank remaining family and friends, and appropriately honour the person’s wishes and memory.

3. Send us the following documentation as they become available:

  • Copy of Will, and any codicil
  • Grant of Probate
  • Statement of Assets and Liabilities
  • Statement of distribution
  • On completion, a copy of the Estate Accounts

In the event of a dispute regarding family provision it is our practise to attend mediation.  

Distribution of Gift

Once the estate has been finalised and is ready for distribution please make cheques payable to Cabrini Foundation and posted to:

Cabrini Foundation
183 Wattletree Rd

We welcome interim distributions from estates. Please contact us.

Quick information

Cabrini Health Limited is registered for the following:

  • ABN 33 370 684 005
  • Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) by the Australian Taxation Office
  • Charity Tax Concessions (TCC) by the Australian Taxation Office  
  • A Charity with the Australian Charities and Non-for-profits Commission (ACNC)

Our FAQs below provide easy to understand answers to some of the queries that you might have. Please take  a look and see if we can answer any of your questions.

Our Gifts in Wills information booklet contains more information about how to include a gift in your client’s Will. This is information that you can pass onto your client.

For more information or a confidential discussion please contact please contact Sally Cane, Associate Director - Philanthropy on 03 9508 1906 or


Francis Galbally has never forgotten the extraordinary compassion from Cabrini

"Having gone through what I’ve been through ... I now have an incredible emotional attachment to Cabrini. I’m sure other people do as well."

Francis Galbally has never forgotten the extraordinary compassion and care given to him and his wife Caroline, when she received cancer treatment at Cabrini for five years. Sadly, after battling breast cancer for 26 years, Caroline passed away in 2014.

Francis more recently experienced Cabrini care first-hand after a car accident, which left him with a broken back. The consistency of the care he witnessed has inspired Francis to leave a gift in his Will to Cabrini.

"Having gone through what I’ve been through, both personally and through my experience with my late wife Caroline, I now have an incredible emotional attachment to Cabrini. I’m sure other people do as well.

The one thing about Cabrini that has stood out for me, is the consistently high quality of care that you get from everybody you interact with throughout the organisation. The nurses. The medical practitioners. The surgeons. The administrative staff. I think that’s unique. And it is quite an extraordinary thing for a hospital to achieve and keep on achieving over many years.

If I could, I’d preserve that forever. And it’s nice to think that the bequest I’ve left in my Will to Cabrini will go some way to doing that."

A gift to Cabrini in your Will can ensure others have access to the latest equipment and the highest level of care for years to come.

To find out more about how you can leave a gift in your Will to Cabrini, please contact Bronwyn Sugden, Donor Relations Manager - Bequests on 03 9508 1376 or fill out the form below

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